Ancient Posts and Stranger Things

If you subscribe to my site, you’re probably wondering why you’re getting notifications for ancient posts from last summer. The summer of Awful Web Happenings ™.  July was a bit not good. There were several issues with the blog: first a PHP mishap of epic proportions and later two malfunctioning plugins. At the time, I was in the midst of a busy con season and after several attempts at restoring the site using backups, I decided to relaunch the site all together. Unfortunately, I lost almost all of my content during the upgrade/changeover and let it go dormant out of frustration.

But 2019 is a new year and I’ve heard you loud and clear in person, on Twitter, and on Facebook. I am hereby committing myself (yes, bring me a straight jacket) to making a greater effort to provide more engagement via this site and my other social.

While trying to figure out where to go with the site, I found a semi-functional backup which included some drafts from the 2.0 version of the blog. Many of you had asked me about the Dora Milaje build, but between NDAs, another NDA project and the start of the con season, I didn’t get around to a write-up for a while. Then they were seemingly lost to the void during the first round of broken site issues. I’ve restored most of the original multi-part post (there was another page on strapping and beading that wafted away into the ether) and will finish up another project post about the M’Baku armor that debuted at DragonCon later today.

Going forward, my goal is at least one post a week to catch you up on projects you might have missed and what’s currently under development for this season.  I am not that great at it (yet), but I promise a more focused effort in 2019!